1. How is Fashion Coaching different from other Personal Color systems or Image Consulting services?
Fashion Coaching uses Individual Psychology Lifestyle Assessment © as a starting point for how you choose to express your Personal Style. We do not believe that your pigment should be the sole indicator of how you dress yourself. The main difference is that we use your Inner Archetype to arrive at a style direction for your Outward Fashion Expression and Style Aesthetic.

2. What is the main difference between Group Coaching and Private Coaching?
There are two main differences. Group Coaching covers explanation of all four Fashion Archetypes but it does not cover the Early Memories Consultation. Private Coaching includes the Early Memories, but the content is customized and covers your Fashion Archetype in more detail.

3. Do you offer pre-coaching Q & A sessions?
Yes. You can email me for inquiries. If your question requires a phone conversation for further clarification, a Q & A session can be arranged.

4. What is the most affordable way for me to self-style my wardrobe?
I am currently working on a Teach Yourself Course. Please check back for updates!

5. Do you have any general tips on how to dress well?
There are universal style tips that you can learn to dress better and enhance your style. Some of these are covered in my Fashion Column series. The beginning points are:
a) honor your hair color & repeat this color value in your clothing or accessories!
b) learn your contrast level - especially your hair and skin's contrast
c) start taking photos of your outfits eg. mirror selfies or selfie sticks will help you take a snapshot of your entire outfit